ip4: array( [version] => 2 [key] => 0xcb2d7f722703b9431399954e31dcced81a975ecb8224d939ec9e8ceccabd012f [serial] => 1506974413 [label] => 0x01ac14400012 [value] => array( [datahash] => "abfdef1faf475eb1fd8fd88c7141ba45" [dn42-data] => array( [name] => "" [inetnum] => array( [inetnum] => " -" [cidr] => "" [descr] => "DN42 native address space" [remarks] => array( [0] => "* Reserved for organisations (allocation up to /21)" [1] => "** Request address space by contacting an admin-c" [2] => "** Include your organisation handle in the request" [3] => "** Please Introduce yourself and your organisation on the ML before requesting address space" ) [netname] => "NET-BLK64018-DN42" [policy] => "ask" [admin-c] => array( [0] => "NIXNODES-DN42" [1] => "SOURIS-DN42" [2] => "GRMML-DN42" [3] => "PRAUSCHER-DN42" ) [mnt-by] => array( [0] => "NIXNODES-MNT" [1] => "XUU-MNT" [2] => "GRMML-MNT" [3] => "PRAUSCHER-MNT" ) [status] => "ALLOCATED" [bgp-status] => "ignore" ) [route] => array( ) ) [owner] => "NIXNODES-DN42, SOURIS-DN42, GRMML-DN42, PRAUSCHER-DN42" [descr] => "DN42 native address space" [source] => "dn42" ) [transfer] => "" [transferchain] => 0x02cb2d7f722703b9431399954e31dcced81a975ecb8224d939ec9e8ceccabd012f9f9731a02413b6b1e82fc2ce25a50f79e34f480ab46467053b2c2f245827bc46825878e6e84b9613ff3c67fd9439c49993d754a84bf04bfe5189a466ed16210759d29acd0601ac144000120101000000 )